
Saturday 9 February 2013

Hobbit SBG Galadhrim Guard vs Dol Guldur

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Games Logo

"It seemed that the evil power in Mirkwood had been driven out by the White Council, only to reappear in greater strength in the old strongholds of Mordor..."          
                                                    -  The Fellowship of the Ring          

Lord of the Rings battle report
SBG Galadhrim Guard vs Necromancers army of Dol Guldur 1000 points

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Games Rule book
The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Rule Book
This week saw Sam, Louis, Craig and myself each lead 
a 500 point army in a 1000 point a side battle between good, Galadhrim Guard Elves, led by Thranduil, Legolas, Haldir and a stormcaller.  Dol Guldur would be led by the Necromancer himself, the spider queen and a hoste of orcs. Playing the new Hobbit SBG rule from Games Workshop. 

We set up on a 6 x 4 battle field with the Elven ruins in the center - the objective - to take and hold the courtyard of the ruins, the side with the most troops in the middle would win and force the other army to retreat back from the battle field.

Games Workshop Book
This is the latest SBG battle report from East Grinstead Wargamers, which sees a battle for the “Hill of Sorcery"  - Dol Guldur.  Who will win the host of heavily armoured and pike elven warriors (they actually seemed to out number the orcs) or the Necromancer and his motley crew...

Deployment was simple - place your troops in your third of the field and fight if out. 

Sam and I took the southern end of the board positioning the Dol Guldur army just short of the ruins… our plan to engage and wipe out the elves before they could take the ruins.  Craig and Louis split there army into two forces of Galadhrim warbands with pikes and sentinels each, they were either side of the ruins.

The Hobbit SBG - Elven Army
The Galadhrim Guard - Led by Thranduil and Legolas 

The Hobbit SBG - OrcArmy
Orc army of Dol Guldur, led by the Spider Queen

The Hobbit SBG - Necromancers Army
The Necromancer and his Dol Guldur orc army

The Hobbit SBG - Battle for Dol Guldor
Dol Guldur ruins in the heart of Mirkwood
Objective - capture the courtyard (most troops inside wins)

The Hobbit SBG - Galadhrim Guard
Haldir and Thranduil with the
Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard

The Hobbit SBG - Galadhrim Guard
Legolas and Rumil with the
Elven Stormcaller 
and Galadhrim Guard

The Hobbit SBG - Ruins of Mirkwood
Dol Guldur deployment -
Necromancer and Thranduil 
Galadhrim Guard

The Hobbit SBG - Orcs of Mirkwood
Necromancer leads his Dol Guldur orc warbands

The Hobbit SBG - Orcs of Dol Guldor
Necromancer and Shaman

The Hobbit SBG - Orcs of Dol Guldor
Orcs in front of the Spider Queen and Shade

The Hobbit SBG - Battle of Dol Guldor
Deployed and ready to roll for priority....
...The Necromancer and his army is ready

The Hobbit SBG - Orcs of Dol Guldor
Dol Guldur orcs charge towards the ruins setting the pace
 and running for the objective

The Hobbit SBG - Necromancer of Dol Guldor
The Necromancerr approaches the
of Dol Guldur in Mirkwood
The Hobbit SBG - Necromancer of Dol Guldor Army
The Necromancers army suddenly splits
 - ignoring the objective and goes for the kill "ELVES"

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Sentinels
Haldir and Thranduil with the Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard 
hold ready to fight the advancing orcs

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Ruins
The Necromancer moves through the ruins of Dol Guldur
to flank the Galadhrim

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Ruins
My Bat swarm hides and waits to ambush the elven banner bearer from the rear

The Hobbit SBG - Battle of Mirkwood Ruins
Mirkwood Orcs charge the Galadhrim, but they seem to have the upper hand with the number of Galadhrim Guard, pikes and banners

The Hobbit SBG - Battle of Mirkwood
Haldir and Thranduil with the  Mirkwood Sentinels  harry my army - 
pushing the captains and monsters this way and that
- their songs and my low courage means that my orcs are suddenly leaderless
and without decent support, the Galadhrim Guard look set to wipe them out and clear mirkwook of their stench

The Hobbit SBG - Necromancers view
Legolas and his Galadhrim Guard are battling it out on the other flank

The Hobbit SBG - Gladadhrim Guard
Haldir and Thranduil still push everything back, time for me to change tactics... 
full frontal attack and out number the elves is not going to work this time....

The Hobbit SBG - Rumil Gladadhrim Guard
Rumil is in the thick of the fighting as his Galadhrim Guard
start to push the orcs back

The Hobbit SBG - Gladadhrim Guard siege ruins
Withdraw to the objective and hold out...
my new tactic - Leaving the broodlings and a few orcs to slow the elves down,
Louis is cautious and will clear them all before sieging the ruins; can I hold out long enough?

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldor Orcs in Ruins
The Spider Queen and Necromancer organise the orcs to defend the ruins......the battle is about to get intense

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldor Orcs in doorway
Dol Guldur orcs fall back inside the ruins and start blocking the entrances

The Hobbit SBG - Haldir and Thranduil
Haldir and Thranduil Galadhrim Guard take the bait
and slowly fight the few orcs outside the ruins... my eye is firmly on the clock

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Ruins
The ruins of Dol Guldur, infested with orcs, spiders and bats

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Bat Swarm
Finally my bat swarm ambushes the banner bearer who is not in base contact...
and fails to wound - "nice try!"

The Hobbit SBG - Galadhrim Guard
Rumil fights on and his Galadhrim Guard seem to be winning
in go my spider to support the orc flank

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Castle
The Battle of Dol Guldur so far

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Court yard
Necromancer, Spider Queen and shade lay in wait for the Galadhrim Elves

The Hobbit SBG - Mirkwood Spider Queen
With Thranduil about to enter the ruins -
I place my spider queen and bat swarm on the battlements to attack from above
and kill any 
Galadhrim Guard who manage to break through.

The Hobbit SBG - Elven Warriors
Haldir and Thranduil with the Mirkwood Sentinels 
and Galadhrim Guard stack up ready to lay siege

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Ruined Court Yard
Mirkwood Bat swarm view of the court yard (objective)

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur battle
Rumil is slain and the remaining Galadhrim Guard
are starting to buckle - the spiders timely entrance swung the tide and balance
 and finally the orcs start to win

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Shade
Thranduil with the  Mirkwood Sentinels push into the entrance, 
the shade is waiting

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Shade and orcs
Galadhrim Guard try to push into the courtyard,
the Necromancer is ready to cast

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Orcs battle
The last few Galadhrim Guard defend the stormcaller
while Legolas tries to rally his troops

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Spider Queen
Haldir and Thranduil with the 
Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard start to battle the orcs

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Mirkwood Battle
Haldir and Thranduil with the 
Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard finally enter the ruins 

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Mirkwood Battle
Haldir and Thranduil with the 
Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Mirkwood Elven Ruins
The Ruins of Dol Guldur, Mirkwood

The Hobbit SBG - Dol Guldur Mirkwood Elven Force
Legolas and the last of his Galadhrim Guard fall back

The Hobbit SBG - Legolas Mirkwood Elven Army
Legolas' Galadhrim Guard try to hold on

The Hobbit SBG - Necromancers Mirkwood Army
My orcs double up with support - nothing is coming through...

The Hobbit SBG - Necromancers Mirkwood Ruins
The Old Elven Ruins occupied by Necromancer Orcs

The Hobbit SBG - Thranduil Mirkwood Galadhrim Guard
Thranduil sets his plan into motion "I CALL NATURES WRAITH",
I then realise, unless I roll a very fortunate roll everything inside the ruins is going to be knocked onto their backsides
with a host of  Mi
rkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard to mop them up 
The Hobbit SBG - Banner of Galadhrim Guard
Haldir and Thranduil with the 
Mirkwood Sentinels and Galadhrim Guard

The Hobbit SBG - The Ruins of Mirkwood
Picking up a dice and using one of the Spider Queens rolls,
I attempt to stop Thranduils cunning plan...
...the dice, bounces and settles "YES!" both Sam and I are amazed,
it's a 6 and Louis finally realises that his plan,
which was so close to defeating the Necromancer failed at the crucial moment.

The Hobbit SBG - The Spider Queen of Mirkwood
With no time to lose I push everything into the courtyard,
no elf is going to step foot in here!

The Hobbit SBG - TheBattle of Mirkwood
The last of Craig Galadhrim Guard
are surrounded and defeated

The Hobbit SBG - The Necormance victory Battle of Mirkwood
The Hobbit SBG: The Necromancer, victorious, settles into Dol Guldur,
deep in the heart of Mirkwood to grow his strength and power

Final Thoughts
The Elven army absolutely looked fantastic, all metal hard hitting and with pikes and with the sentinels, they made good use of their singing abilities - pushing the Dol Guldur Monsters out of the way and the captains picked off at will.  However, when hit with the press of yet more orcs they crumbled and could get a hold in the ruins, which was the aim of the game. Although the strategy could have worked if their tactic to cast natures wraith work and my spider queen didn't roll a very timely and vital 6.

Craig was unfortunate as he lost the majority of the elven Galadhrim Guard at a crucial point, this stopped the press of elves on the ruins and allowed the orcs to take and hold all the entrances. Louis’ approach was very cautious and steady, which meant when my orcs broke rank and withdrew to take the ruins, he slowly mopped up the few remaining orcs and spider broodlings, which left me with time to cover every entrance and position support and shades, especially chosen for that purpose.

Man of the Match
The Hobbit SBG: Man of the Match - The Necromancer of Dol Guldur
The Hobbit SBG: Man of the Match -
The Necromancer of Dol Guldur
The Necromancer, despite his points Sam was able to use him to good effect to flank and push the Galadhrim flank, he also supported when the final push from the Galadhrim came. Yeah, he costs a lot, but he worked well and looked very nice on the battle field.

A lesson Louis pointed out - learn the rules for magic and bring a shaman - his Sentinels were able to disrupt my orcs far too easily.

So a win for Dol Guldur and the Necromancer - and for me and Sam.

To see my fully Painted Armies please visit this blog:

LotR / WotR Dwarf Army: 

LotR / WotR - Moria / Misty Mountains army please visit this blog:

Other Mordor Armies: 



Cirith Ungol Uruk Hai: 

Dol Guldor / Mirkwood Army: 

Angmar Army 

LoTR / WotR Isengard Army

We are about to start playing LOTR & Hobbit SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.
We welcome anyone interested in playing The Hobbit SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep ready and waiting.  
Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


  1. I really like the Elven ruins. Are they a commercially available thing, something kit bashed, or something totally built from scratch?


  2. Hi - thanks for the comments.

    The ruins are made from Hirst Arts, foam board and various styrenes. We are planning on creating Osgiliath with Hirst Arts so that we can stage a huge battle in the summer.

    I hope you enjoyed the battle report!

  3. Hi the elven ruins where built by jmd creations, a company that makes custom scenery and terrain for all wargames. They can be reached at
