
Saturday 2 February 2013

Hobbit SBG - Garrison of Cirith Ungol

"It's Called Cirth Ungol..." Gollum Hissed sharply and began muttering to himself... "...Yes, yes, we heard the name once!"          
                     - Gollum talking to Faramir in Osgiliath, The Two Towers           


Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit  SBG Mordor Army - 

The Garrison of Cirith Ungol

Ok, first of all apologies for the lack of updates…WIth all the bad weather I have missed club for the last month or so.  Anyway I thought it was about time I did some work on one of my Lord of the Rings/Hobbit armies. 

I have been collecting Mordor Uruk Hai for some time and thought that I would love to complete a Cirith Ungol battlehost/warband for both Hobbit/LotR SBG and WotR.  I love Games Workshop metal figures and love the weight and feel they have when both painting and fielding them in battle, personally I feel it is such a shame that they have decided to go to Finecast…  

I have a battle coming up next week in club (my first for some time) and so will create a battle report, just need to sort out the system (SBG or WotR) and which players I can get involved.  I really want to field Mordor and so I have decided that now would be a good time to complete my Mordor Cirith Ungol army.

The Garrison of Cirith Ungol "Spider Pass"
The Garrison of Cirith Ungol contains a swathe of deadly Mordor warriors, the greatest and deasliest of which is the Mordor Uruk Hai; led by Shagrat and Shelob and supported by Gorbag.

LotR SBG: Mordor - The Garrison of Cirith Ungol 

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - The Garrison of Cirith Ungol

LotR SBG: Mordor - The Garrison of Cirith Ungol

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - The Garrison of Cirith Ungol

LotR SBG: Mordor - The Garrison of Cirith Ungol

I will post the army as is, on this page and complete a Work in Progress (WiP) report for the army showing how my painting and army building is coming along… I have so many figures I have to do the painting in manageable batches!

My Hobbit SBG and WotR Cirith Ungol Army:

Shelob in Cirith Ungol (Spider Pass)
Dwelling in the high pass of Mordor, Shelob is the centre piece to my army.   She is  the ultimate hero killer with fantastic movement and deadly poison attacks. 

She is a huge spider and a lovely model, depicted as evil in spider form, a horror that haunted Middle Earth. She is fast, causes terror and is a formidable foe.

However, her amin flaw is the fact that if she is injured in battle she has to take a courage test, fail and she leaves the battlefield as a casualty... 

...lets hope she doesn't have to face the likes of Boromir too soon.

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Shelob, the most dangerous and famous spider
who brings an air of terror to the pass of Cirith Ungol "Spider Pass"

LotR SBG: Mordor - Shelob, the terror of Cirith Ungol, plots with Gollum
for fresh tender Hobbit meat...

Shagrats Tower Guard
The main captain for my Mordor Uruk-Hai is Shagrat He is the War leader and most trusted of minions of Barad-dur.  A brutal Mordor Uruk Hai and a worthy leader of the Mordor Uruk Hai at the Tower of Cirith Ungol.

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Shagrats Tower Guard, the Garrison of
Cirith Ungol

LotR SBG: Mordor - Shagrat the brutal war general of the
hard hitting Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Shagrat's Mordor Uruk Hai
Shagrats Tower Guard

LotR SBG: Mordor - Shagrat the Leader of
the Tower of Cirith ungol 
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Shagrat leads the Guard

LotR SBG: Mordor - Shagrat's Tower Guard

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Shagrat's Mordor Uruk Hai

Cirith Ungol Uruk Hai Garrison 
With over four Warbands of Mordor Uruk hai I have converted a number of them to create captains each each.

Further Mordor Uruk Hai (Shagrat's Lads) guard the spider pass and tower of Cirith Ungol - they are hard hitting warriors who can deliver a punch.

Kilrack Killers
First up is Kilrack a huge Mordor Uruk Hai who is second only to Shagrat, how power and size puts him in charge of the "KILRACKS KILLERS". 

LotR SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Captain of the Kilrack Killers,
Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai

LotR SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai

LotR SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai
LotR SBG: Mordor - Kilrack Killers, Mordor Uruk Hai

Badras' Boyz
Next up is Badras, converted from Shagrat,  bearing a shield his rule is merciless and evil. Shooting up the ranks of the Garrison by brute force and devious devotion to Shagrat.

I can also double Badras as Shagrat Warleader of Cirith Ungol if needs be, and replace the un-shielded version above.

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Badras' Boyz, Mordor Uruk Hai

LotR SBG: Mordor - Badras' Boyz, Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Badras' Boyz, Mordor Uruk Hai

Griplocks Gang
Anther converted captain is Griplock, his gang are thugs and scrap for there place in the Guard, often picking on smaller orcs to show their strength and dominance.  Griplock uses a bow avoiding hand-to-hand combat if it can be avoided, but if confrontation can't be avoided, then he can fight like a true Mordor Uruk Hai captain.

LotR SBG: Mordor - Griplock Captain of The Griplock Gang,
 Mordor Uruk Hai

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - The Griplock Gang,  Mordor Uruk Hai

LotR SBG: Mordor - The Griplock Gang,  Mordor Uruk Hai
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - The full Tower of Cirith ungol Mordor Uruk Hai Guard

LotR SBG: Mordor - Rear view of my Cirith ungol Mordor Uruk Hai Guard
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Rear view of my Cirith ungol Mordor Uruk Hai Guard

GORBAGS Morgul Rats
In the Lord of the Rings Gorbag’s Morgul Rats are stationed at Cirith Ungol.  Gorbag is the orc leader  who is both cruel and cunning - full of selfishness and greed.

LotR SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rat Drummer, Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rat Shaman, Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Gorbags Morgul Rats, Mordor Orcs

Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs 
Mordor orcs are the basis for any Mordor Army, cheap and numerous, these evil and foul creatures are everywhere, and I have enough to swell my Garrison size to defend against any army.

Cirith Ungol Orc Garrison
Making up number the orc warriors stationed at Cirith Ungol are cruel and cunning.  Lesser in strength and size than the Uruk Hai, but there numbers and horde mentality make them a force to be reckoned with, they are the back bone of any Mordor army.

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Captain of Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

LotR SBG: Mordor - Captain of Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Captain of the Cirith Ungol Mordor Orcs

Cirith Ungol Mordor Siege Bow 
Defending the tower I have the claws of  Cirith Ungol. 4 Mordor Siege bows and crew ready to deliver a deadly blow to any advancing foe from high on the ridge.

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Siege Bows

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Siege Bows

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Siege Bows

Cirith Ungol Mordor Tracker Orcs 
Mordor trackers orcs are better shots that normal run-of-the -mill orcs and are the scouts of Spider Pass - they are capable of raining death from lethal bow fire upon the enemy.  For these I simply use the standard Mordor Orc Bowmen.

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Trackers with Bows

Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Trackers with Bows

Cirith Ungol Warg Riders 
Despite the difficult terrain, the pass is patrolled by warg riders, fast and deadly and easily able to out run any small force. Mordor warg riders are easily able to run down any foe in the mountain terrain. They can cover large areas of Spider Pass quickly and hunt down their prey.  

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders
LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders
LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders
Hobbit SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Warg Riders

As you may have seen from my Warg Riders of Isengard Army... I can field a considerable number of mounted warg with a large variety of weapons. 

Cirith Ungol Mordor Trolls 
Mordor trolls are mighty foes to face in the narrow passes of Cirith Ungol, with a variety of ranged weapons, fast warg riders and battle trolls, even before the Uruk Hai and orcs... not to mention Shelob can any army succeed in tacking the infamous "Spider Pass".

LotR SBG: Mordor - Cirith Ungol Mordor Troll
(my others are all Unpainted)

I hoped you enjoyed this army - one of my sections from my HUGE Mordor army.  Soon I will complete a Black Gate army along with Black Guard, Wraiths, 8-9 Mordor Trolls and Morgul Knights... I am just in the process of acquiring the figures.

Please join the website for updates and to see whats new, and feel free to leave comments.


We are about to start playing LOTR SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep ready and waiting.  

Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 

1 comment:

  1. Many thanks - Keep a look out for other armies I am painting!
