
Wednesday 27 February 2013

Hobbit SBG - A Starter Battle

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Logo

"...No other mortal men could have endured it, none but the Dunedain of the North!"          
                                                    - Return of the King, The Lord of the Ring          

Lord of the Rings beginners battle report Hobbit SBG - Arnor v Morannon, Mordor circa 750 points

The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Rules
The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Rule Boo
This week I managed to persuade my son to finally play a game of The Hobbit SBG. It was roughly 750 points each with me leading Gothmog and 3 warbands of Morannon orc against the Army of Arnor.

We are playing the new Hobbit SBG rule from Games Workshop. 

I used a simple grey painted board with ruins in the middle.  The aim was a point for any hero/banner killed and a point for each figure on the centre rubble. Confident in my fully painted Mordor Army I set up ready to show my 9 year old son how to play - Strategy Battle Game.

Below are the pictures from the battle.  Please remember this is a starter battle and we tried to follow the basic rules without getting too tied up in details as I wanted to encourage him to play, and not put him off through boredom!

Hobbit SBG - Ruins of Arnor
The Ruins of Arnor - with the centre objective

Hobbit SBG - Mordor and Arnor
Mordor and Arnor deployment

Hobbit SBG - The ruins of Arnor
Arnor Ruins

Hobbit SBG - Morannon Captain and warband
Morannon Captain and Warband

Hobbit SBG - Morannon Shaman and warband
Morannon Shaman and warband

Hobbit SBG - Morannon Shaman and warband
Hobbit SBG - Morannon Shaman and warband

Hobbit SBG - Gothmogs Morannon orcs with Banner
Gothmog and Morannon Banner and warband

Hobbit SBG - Gothmogs Morannon orcs with Banner
Gothmogs Morannon orcs go for objective with Banner

Hobbit SBG - Rangers of Arnor
Rangers of Arnor

Hobbit SBG - Morannon orcs Charge ruins
Morannon orcs Charge ruins

Hobbit SBG - Arnor engage Morannon orcs
Arnor engage Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor rangers attack Morannon orcs
Arnor rangers attack rear of Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor rangers attack Morannon orcs
Hobbit SBG - Arnor rangers attack Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor beat Morannon orcs
Arnor punch through Morannon orc flank

Hobbit SBG - Arnor beat Morannon orcs
Rangers flank attack

Hobbit SBG - Aragorn and Arnor beat Morannon orcs
Aragorn leads Arnor against Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor beat Morannon orcs
Arnor beat Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Aragorn wounds Gothmog Morannon orcs
Aragorn wounds Gothmog and beats Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Rangers in Ruins
Rangers take high ground

Hobbit SBG - Malbeth and Arnor
Hobbit SBG - Malbeth pushes Arnor forward to take advantage

Hobbit SBG - Malbeth and Arnor Morannon orcs
Malbeths Arnor overwhelm Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor push back Morannon orcs
 Arnor take the advantage over the Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor push back Morannon orcs
Arnor push back Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor push back Morannon orcs
Arnor rangers rush in to the fray and beat back Morannon orcs

Hobbit SBG - Arnor push back Morannon orcs
Hobbit SBG - Arnor clear last Morannon orcs off of the objective

Arnor hold flank and push back Morannon orcs

Final Thoughts
Well, I was impressed with my son ability to pick up the rules and how easily he beat me, killing a captain, shaman, wounding Gothmog and having 5 troops on the objective... I had 2 on the objective and so lost 8-2.

I loved the Arnor and really need to get round to painting them, the recent entry on to the Tale of 4 Gamers on the Onering forum should give me the opportunity to do this.

Hobbit SBG - Aragorn
Aragorn - Man of the match
Man of the Match
This was easy, and was never going to be in much doubt.  Aragorn was simply unstoppable!
He was easily able to handle Gothmog and any Morannon I threw at him.  i will definitely be using him in my future Arnor warbands.

So a win for Arnor and my 'new to the game' son.

Thanks I hope you enjoyed it!

We are about to start playing The Hobbit SBG - both skirmish battles LotR/Hobbit and walk through the books/films as well as the odd WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing The Hobbit, Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep ready and waiting.  

Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


  1. Very good, and well done getting son into it. Mine is same age, though we've been playing off an on for several years, when I can tear him away from computer ;-)
    Funny how dads always end up playing the bad guys...

  2. LOL - cheers Scott, to tell the truth my inspiration for this report was reading your intro battle with your son! You are absolutely right, my son is always wanting to go on the computer, but fortunately he really enjoyed this match and is wanting to play again... he tried WotR a year ago and found it too boring. He also wants to help me build my terrain (recently bought 10 Hirst Arts Molds).

    Thnings are looking up :¬D
