
About us

Welcome to the East Grinstead War Gaming Website

East Grinstead War Gaming
The East Grinstead War Gaming club are a Sussex wargaming club who meet fortnightly on Sundays between 3- 6pm. We welcome new comers, veterans and both over and under 18 years; those gamers with armies, those without and beginners just interested in seeing what table top wargaming is all about.

East Grinstead Wargamers Club dates further down the page.

Whether you have a Warhammer 40K, Fantasy, LOTR SBG or War of the Rings (WOTR) army or simply interested in any war gaming / warhammer / Table top gaming and role play come along and meet others in the club.

If you are interested, then why not come along or Email us for more information or just turn up on the day, our next East Grinstead War Gaming club date is always advertised the right hand side of this blog along with a map. 

The club address is:
East Grinstead War Gaming club
1st East Grinstead Scout Group
100 Moat Road
East Grinstead

Let table top battle commence and we will see you there! 

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


HAPPY NEW YEAR! Club News...

Dear all


Another year has passed and we now run the East Grinstead War Gaming club fortnighly (every two weeks), and this will certainly be the case for the forseeable future, new dates for the rest of 2013 have been set (see below)

East Grinstead Wargamers
The club has now reached a size whereby we will be looking to both attend and hold tournaments and other such trips including:
1. Games Workshops "Games Day"
2. Warhammer 40K Armageddon 
3. Hobbit/Lord of the Rings/War of the Rings weekend in the Easter and Summer Holiday 
- let us know if you are interested in attending any of these events (more details nearer the time). 

Please bear-in-mind that pride of place will be given to those with annual membership, as well as discounts on any fees - 

The dates for East Grinstead War Gaming club for the rest of 2013:

Fortnightly (every two weeks) usual times - 3pm-6pm
May - 26th (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
June - 9th, 23rd (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
July - 7th and 21st (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
August - 4th and 18th (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
September - 15th and 29th (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
October - 13th and 27th (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
November - 10th and 24th (usual times - 3pm-6pm )
December - 8th  and 22nd (usual times - 3pm-6pm )

Reminder for those that haven't paid, it is vital that the fees are paid promptly as the majority of this covers the cost of hiring the hall, and if there are any profit is put towards purchasing scenery and battle boards.

New Members can come and try some games for free with their first two sessions.

East Grinstead War Gaming club costs are:

Monthly £5**
Quarterly £15
6 Months £30
Yearly £50*

* The club year runs January to December
** Monthly is one calendar month (NOT four week period)

And thank you to those that have paid already!

If you have any problem, queries or questions please feel free to email us.
Anyone who has any suggestions on ideas for the club also let us know.
Due to the plans to run a HUGE Armageddon and WotR / LotR SBG campaign in April (Easter) if anyone is interested in learning to play Warhammer / Hobbit / LotR / 40K also please email us or let us know on club night so that we can arrange a starter battle to help you learn the rules (beginners welcome).

We are about to start playing Hobbit SBG and welcome anyone interested, just let us know so we can arrange some starter battles. We have all the LotR SBG figures and scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


  1. Good morning,
    My name is Lewis and I am a reporter from the East Grinstead Courier & Observer.
    I am interested in running a feature on the East Grinstead War Gamers for the paper in the run up to Christmas and wanted to maybe arrange a game myself and for a photographer to come along.
    I have never played a war game before so would need some tutoring but that would be another interesting aspect I can include in the article.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
    01293 597613
    07957 916 910

    Please forward this message to whoever you feel might be able to help.

    Kind regards

  2. Hi

    Thanks for the contact - I have forwarded your details to the club Chairman and Secretary - who will be in contact in due course - we would love for you to do an article and would welcome the exposure the club would receive from thi; the next club day is December 23rd...

    ...although that is likely to miss your Christmas deadline!

    Many thanks

  3. Hi there,

    I noticed East Grinstead has a few LotR/Hobbit players and I wonder if you guys would like to join the newly created UK National League (or Great British League)? I am looking for venues/hosts and players to join the league and attend and organise tournaments. All details are here

    It would be great to have you onboard and run a tournament at your club around June that would count towards the league. The league is run with a hope of bringing more people into our slowly dying SBG hobby.

    Please contact me on TLA, One Ring or my blog (

    BlackMist / Mik

  4. Indeed we do and as you know we have set up a tournament in June!

  5. How do I contact the club?I can't see any e-mail addresses or contact telephone numbers?


  7. Hi, I am looking for a local place to play Magic the Gathering. I can see you play warhammer ect, it does also say table top games. Is this something you have players playing? Do you know where would be good to find a group that plays?
