
Monday 27 May 2013

The Tale of 4 Gamers - Hobbit SBG (part 4)

The Hobbit SBG Logo

"... Arvedui you shall call him, for he will be the last in Arthedain."          
      -Malbeth the Seer, Prophecy at Arvedui's birth

The Hobbit SBG Rule Book
The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Rule Book
So a month ago Sam and I played our battle of  the "Tale of 4 Gamers".

Like the previous battle I fielded my Arnor army 500 points with Arvedui the King, Malbeth the Seer and a host of warriors.

Sam had his 500 point hunter orc army led by Fimbul on warg... 

I was confident going into this battle as last time these armies met, Arnor was very strong.

How would they fair this week, my Arnor army against the Hunter orcs who will be battling together again for the valuable points in our current tale of 4 gamers (which actually has 8 players!)

The Hobbit SBG
Hobbit SBG Deployment started - Sam places hunter orcs on the board

The Hobbit SBG deployment
My turn to begin deployment

The Hobbit SBG deployment
The pieces are set, the game is to start, but I suddenly realise that I have deployed my rangers in the ruins (and unlike WOTR ruins are easy to enter) and Sam has deployed hunter orcs in very close proximity... now I am kicking myself.

The Hobbit SBG Ranger deployment
The Arnor rangers, look at the hunter orcs... please let me roll priority!

The Hobbit SBG Army deployment
My two warbands of Arnor Warriors llok fantastic at centre field, the orc rabble get set to charge my shield wall

The Hobbit SBG Fimbul charges
Noooo! I lost priority and as predicted Sam charged Fimbul on his warg straight in to my rangers,
the rest look on it shock.

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Army
Black guard and hunter orcs advance, Arnor set to brace for impact!

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Army
The Hunter orcs press forward out of the ruins of Arnor

The Hobbit SBG Fimbul charges Rangers
Arnor try to salvage the poor deployment, but they are just too far away

The Hobbit SBG Shield walls clash
Mordor clash with Arnor, shield walls crunching together... who will win?

The Hobbit SBG Arvedui
Arvedui leads his warband to intercept the hunter flank and stop the press of the orcs

The Hobbit SBG Fimbul and warg
Fimbul wins his fight and pushes the attack

The Hobbit SBG Hunter orcs attack Arnor
Arnor holds the centre and Mordor feel the pressure

The Hobbit SBG Hunter orcs
Fighting on all flanks as the hunter orcs go for the kill

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Rangers retreat
A few spare rangers pull back as the rest of Fimbuls warband run in for the kill

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Rangers retreat
Fimbuls warg is enjoying the sport and rips into the rangers,
Malbeth the seer withdraws to a safe distance

The Hobbit SBG Arnor v Mordor Orcs
Arnor look strong centre field

The Hobbit SBG Rangers v Hunter Orcs
Rangers of Arnor are over run and practically wiped out

The Hobbit SBG Malbeth v Hunter Orcs
Malbeth moves in to support the main Arnor army and desperately tries to save those kills

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Hunter Orcs
hunter orcs work their way around the scenery to try to out flank the Arnor warriors,
but are met with spear and shield

The Hobbit SBG Rangers Hunter Orcs
No more rangers...

The Hobbit SBG Arnor v Hunter Orcs
Arnor are now starting to look vulnerable and Arvedui calls

The Hobbit SBG Malbeth the seer
Arnor warriors desperately try to reform in the centre of the field

The Hobbit SBG Hunter orcs
Hunter orcs are out of range to charge the rear of the Arnor Warriors

The Hobbit SBG attack
"ON ME!!" The King calls, almost at break point, but can we hold on!?

The Hobbit SBG
Birds eye view of the battle, Fimbul and the spare hunters are moving in for the kill

The Hobbit SBG Fimbuls warg
Arvedui is caught by Fimbul trying to make it the the middle of his troops, the king is surrounded

The Hobbit SBG Fimbuls warg attack
The warg senses victory and smells royal blood!

The Hobbit SBG Arnor surrounded
Everyone pushes forward to try to get to the king and help support him

The Hobbit SBG Arnor hold on
Arnor on the brink of defeat

The Hobbit SBG Arnor Arvedui holds on
Victory, Arvedui the last king wins his fight, but fails to kill

The Hobbit SBG Arnor broken
Surrounded and broken, The last king of Arnor, Arvedui is slain
Victory to Sam and the Hunter orcs

I hoped you enjoyed the battle report - I really lost the battle with my poor deployment... i have no idea other than thinking along the lines of War of the Ring and thinking they were safe and had extra defense from the ruins... fool!

I was still impressed with the army of Arnor - their fight value and defence make them a formidable army.

The Hobbit SBG Man of the Match Fimbul and warg
Hobbit Man of the Match
Fimbul The Hunter

Man of the Match
Sam - has to take this, Fimbul the Hunter was fast and hard hitting, of course riding a huge warg is always going to be a bonus!
Well deserved win and Man of the Match for Sam (as well as the hard earned points for Tale of 4 Gamers).

Again, Arvedui Last King of Arnor was my favourite from Arnor as he was solid on the flank and his warriors were awesome! With higher fight value and good defence, they held against everything that was thrown at them, right up until the end... but, in the end they just couldn't bring it back and recover from the loss of the rangers and my poor deployment of them.

Thanks for looking and I hope you enjoyed the battle, with this defeat I have thrown the towel in on the Tale of 4 Gamers as there are too many points to try to catch up from the loss.

Perhaps now I can finish my Black Guard army!

Look out for our battle event at the end of June (dates to be confirmed) for more battles in Middle Earth - please join the site and get up dates on more to come soon.

We are about to start playing LOTR SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing The Hobbit SBG, Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR/Hobbit SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep, snow fields to desert boards ready and waiting.  

Why not join our watch list for updates and look out for Easters weekend battle event... two days of fighting in the ruins of Osgiliath, Helms Deep and Far Harad, you cannot afford to miss it.
Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Hobbit SBG - Shagrat Warlead of Cirith Ungol

"It's Called Cirth Ungol..." Gollum Hissed sharply and began muttering to himself... "...Yes, yes, we heard the name once!"          
                     Gollum talking to Faramir in Osgiliath, The Two Towers           


So to finish my cirithUngol army (Link to main Cirith Ungol Mordor Uruk Ha)i, I have purchased, painted and added Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol. 

I love this figure and have mounted the figure on rocks to show the rugged ground in the mountainous 'Spider' pass.

I have been collecting Mordor Uruk Hai for some time and now the army is almost complete... just working on equiping them all with shields... 

Thanks .

Hobbit SBG - Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol
Hobbit SBG - Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol

Hobbit SBG - Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol
Hobbit SBG - Shagrat, Warleader of Cirith Ungol

I hoped you enjoyed this army - one of my sections from my HUGE Mordor army.  Soon I will complete a Black Gate army along with Black Guard, Wraiths, 8-9 Mordor Trolls and Morgul Knights... I am just in the process of acquiring the figures.

Please join the website for updates and to see whats new, and feel free to leave comments.


We are about to start playing LOTR SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep ready and waiting.  

Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 

Warhammer 40K - Summer Tournament

Warhammer 40K is coming to East Grinstead Wargamers! We are hosting a summer 40K tournament !!!

As our core system - we are proud to host this fantastic summer event at the Dorset Arms, East Grinstead, West Sussex on 2nd June 2013.  

The tournament will consist of 3 games of 1500 points of Warhammer 40k.

20 Players with some comp. 

Please click here for the tournament pack or see below.

East Grinstead Wargamers Summer Tournament
2nd June 2013
Format: 3 games of 1500 pt 40k using randomly determined book missions. 

Cost: £10

Timing: Registration: 10:00 

 First Game: 
 Second Game
 Third Game

Location: The Dorset Arms Pub, 58 High St, Town Centre, East Grinstead RH19 3DE

Prizes: There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall as well as prizes for Best 
Painted and Sports. There will also be spot prizes given out.

Comp and Soft Scores
• Painting: 
All models should be painted and based. There will be points given for 
both which will influence overall standings. (This will be about meeting a required 
standard and not giving large bonuses for very well painted armies that is what 
the best painted prize is for.)

• Forge World: 
One 40k approved forge world unit may be taken. Each weapon or 
defense platform counts as a unit. If you take a forge world unit you may not take 
a fortification. 

• Sports: 
After each game the players will be asked to give the game a mark of 1, 2 
or 3. 1 is an unsatisfactory, 2 is a good game, and 3 is for an outstanding game. 
They will also be asked to pick one of their opponents as their best game. 

• Comp
• Only troop choices may be taken more than twice.
• AV12 flyers are a 0-1 choice 
• Other flyers are a 0-2 choice 
• AV14 is a 0-2 choice 
• Flying monstrous creatures are a 0-2 choice. 
• Each player must bring: all relevant codices, FAQs and forge world books, tape 
measure, dice, all 3 templates, 6 based objective markers, and a minimum of 3 
copies of your army list.
Other Information

• The pub is about 10 mins walk from the station directions available on request.
• The event is limited to those over 18 due to its location.
• There is parking behind the pub. £5 for the day which can be recouped by 
spending that in the pub. 
• No food provided. 

The cost is £10 to attend - please pay via paypal to or contact us on twitter @egwargamers.

Good luck and see you there!

Wednesday 15 May 2013

The Tale of 4 Gamers - Hobbit SBG (part 3)

The Hobbit SBG Logo

"... Arvedui you shall call him, for he will be the last in Arthedain."          
      -Malbeth the Seer, Prophecy at Arvedui's birth

Here I have another update for my Arnor Army - Malbeth the Seerer and a warband of Arnor Rangers.

These were painted within the timescale which means the result of my battle against Sams Hunter Orcs is now all important and will put one of us in the lead, while relegating the other... 

The Hobbit Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers
Arnor - Malbeth the Seer

The Hobbit Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers
Arnor - Malbeth the Seer (Rear)

The Hobbit Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers
Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers

The Hobbit Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers
Arnor - Malbeth the Seer with warband of Arnor Rangers

The Hobbit Arnor - warband of Arnor Rangers
Arnor - Warband of Arnor Rangers

Look out for our battle event at the end of June (dates to be confirmed) for more battles in Middle Earth - please join the site and get up dates on more to come soon.

We are about to start playing LOTR SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing The Hobbit SBG, Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR/Hobbit SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep, snow fields to desert boards ready and waiting.  

Why not join our watch list for updates and look out for Easters weekend battle event... two days of fighting in the ruins of Osgiliath, Helms Deep and Far Harad, you cannot afford to miss it.
Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 