
Monday 24 December 2012

The Hobbit: SBG East Osgiliath

"... Let the armies of Mordor know this: Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands."          
                                                   -Boromir, The Two Towers, The Lord of the Rings

This week Craig and SouthernDunedain took a 1500 point Gondor army, split between them to face my 1500 point Mordor army, the battle was for the City of East Osgilith:

SouthernDunedain took Gandalf (Army General) Farmir and his Illithien guard, Madril and rangers as well as fountain guard.
The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Rule Book

Craig fielded Boromir - with shield, Warriors of Minas Tirith with shields and spears, Beregond and archers as well as Knights of Minas Tirith.

My force was led by the Mouth of Sauron (I'm desperate to use magic and see how to use it), Loads of Mordor Uruk-hai, Black Guard, and Morannon Orcs with Gothmog.

I hope you enjoy the image below showing this epic battle of Hobbit SBG with masses of Mordor troops attacking the city of East Osgiliath. Who will triumph and who will be defeated...

This is our second battle using the new Hobbit SBG rules, which has recently been released by Games Workshop - some new rules and some old... best I learn magic!

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor forces deploy

The Hobbit SBG: Beregond and Boromir with Warriors of Minas Tirth

The Hobbit SBG: Faramir leads the Illithien Guard and deploys
his Gondor forces in the centre of the battlefield

The Hobbit SBG: Gondor elite forces deploy

The Hobbit SBG: More Gondor forces deploy -
Knights and Warriors of Minas Tirith

The Hobbit SBG: Gondor forces deploy alongside the Knight of the White Tower

The Hobbit SBG: Madril leads the ranger on the southern flank
The Hobbit SBG: Rangers

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Morannon Orc forces deploy

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Uruk Hai and Gothmogs forces deploy

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard create a huge shield wall
in the centre of the Mordor line

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor prepare to battle

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor win priority and charge the northern
Gondor forces tacking on Beregond and surprising the archers
who deployed too close to the center field

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Morannon move forward to
support the attacking Mordor Orcs

The Hobbit SBG: Citadel Guard

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard are supported by
Mordor Orcs armed with spears the Gondor force in front look worried

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor forces start to fight

The Hobbit SBG:  Gondor forces slowly edge forward, staying outside
the range of the Mordor Uruk Hai positioned directly in front of them

The Hobbit SBG: Gondors rangers open fire and fell two Black Guard

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor are locked in combat,
but neither side takes many casualties, Boromir is trapped and can't get
in to combat, while Beregond survives the 4 attacks on him

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Uruk Hai - look on at
the Gondor forces entering the ruins of Osgiliath

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor manage to push Gondor back as they
try to move the archers out of the way and get spears into play
The Hobbit SBG: Knights of Minas Tirith hold ground while rangers
pepper Black Guard with bow fire
The Hobbit SBG: Boromir leads the Minas Tirith Warriors into
battle with the Mordor Orcs

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor forces move forward

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor, lead by Gothmog charge the Knight of the White Tower
and surround the Gondor forces in the middle of the northern ruins

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor forces lock spears and shields in
combat as Faramir and Gandalf fight the Mordur Black Guard
The Hobbit SBG: Citadel Guard fight for their lives

The Hobbit SBG: Gandalf the White steps in to support the Citadel Guard
and Fountain Guard

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard charge the Gondor forces in the southern ruins

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard stall in front of the bow fire as another is killed
- the Morannon Orcs push forward to engage the Knights of Minas Tirith waiting to charge

The Hobbit SBG: Boromir now enters the fight and leads
the Gondor forces to halt the Mordor Orcs

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor forces in the northern ruins,
Gothmog vs The Knight of the White Tower - Gothmog wins,
but The Knight uses his fate to save his death

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard fight hard as the
Gondor forces in the southern ruins start to take casualties
The Hobbit SBG: Gandalf the White using Magic

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard charge the Gondor forces
 in the southern ruins

The Hobbit SBG: As expected the Knights of Minas Tirith charge the
Mordor Black Guard... can they hold the line!
The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard charge the Gondor forces

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Orcs and the Gondor forces
seem locked in desperate combat with neither side winning,
although Gondor steal a point and kill a captain... I hate Boromir!

The Hobbit SBG: Gothmog again strikes at the Knight of the White Tower - and this time kills him
The score is now drawn at - 1-1, would have helped if I remembered the challenge
and had actually gone for captains and banner bearers... and not just killing everything!

The Hobbit SBG: Gandalf casts a blast on the Mordor Uruk Hai and knocks him back
into the Mouth of Sauron preventing him from stopping Faramir next to him from moving

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard charge the Gondor forces in the
 southern ruins of Osgiliath again, but this time Gondor take heavy losses
The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard fighting to hold the southern flank from
the strong Gondor forces at the southern ruins

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard take losses from the charge of the
Knights of Minas Tirith and the Gondor forces push forward,
but Mordor hold the flank as the Mordor Uruk Hai
in the southern ruins come to support

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor and Gondor still fight with no clear winner to the north

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Uruk Hai push forward, But Shagrat takes a hit
and is slain as he fails his fate roll - Gondor are winning on points 2 - 1 

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Black Guard push forward in the center as the
Gondor forces are outnumbered and the Uruk Hai's in the northern ruins attack their flank

The Hobbit SBG: Mordor push and kill yet more of Gondor forces
 in the southern ruins, if only they were broken!
The Hobbit SBG: Mordor Uruk-Hai, led by Gothmog lead the attack on Gondor

The Hobbit SBG: With time running out - the game is called and the points added up,
a victory for Gondor 2 - 1... but one more round... just one!!!

I hoped you enjoyed the battle report - the score may have been different if we had played another round or two.  Gondor were starting to take casualties and they were getting closer to being broken.  Also had I remembered the points I probably would have played differently.  Again, I didn't use magic... MUST LEARN MAGIC!!!!! (The Mouth of Sauron pretty much did nothing all game).

The Hobbit SBG: Man of the Match: Boromir
Man of the Match
Sam - would nominate his Warrior of Minas Tirith who killed several orcs and survived an onslaught of orcs... and held the orc line at bay.  

However, as is often the case when he plays - it has to be Boromir, he slew his points worth and when he got into the fight he was unstoppable - even when he lost combat the orcs could not touch him... truley a force to be recond with and a must for a Gondor army.

"The city of Osgiliath has been reclaimed. For Gondor!" 
Boromir of the White Tower

Well done Craig and Sam - a close, but well deserved victory.

We will be back in the New Year for more battles in Middle Earth - please join the site and get up dates on more to come soon.

We are about to start playing LOTR SBG - both skirmish battles and walk through the books/films each Monday night and WotR on club nights.

We welcome anyone interested in playing The Hobbit SBG, Lotr SBG, WotR or any warhammer/40K battle - why not let us know so that we can arrange some starter battles, like the one above, or if you/your club want to challenge us. We have all the LOTR/Hobbit SBG figures and LOTR scenery from the Mines of Moria to the siege of Helms Deep, snow fields to desert boards ready and waiting.  

Why not join our watch list for updates and look out for Easters weekend battle event... two days of fighting in the ruins of Osgiliath, Helms Deep and Far Harad, you cannot afford to miss it.
Feel free to email us to come along or arrange a game.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 