
Sunday 4 March 2012

WOTR: Angmar Army

The shadow stirs, Angmar awakens and out of the dark comes the dreaded host of Angmar!

It has been some time since I have managed to get any time in for painting any of my LotR SBG armies; having unpacked both Rohan and Gondor with the idea that I would paint endless amounts of figures and build more, fully painted armies for WotR... 
...that simply proved too much, so I re-packed them again!  

I then decided to look at Angmar, the army was almost finished using LotR figures from both the LotR Misty Mountains and LotR Mordor armies that I have, so with the purchase of a few necessary miniatures such as the Angmar shades - I was ready to finish painting the Lord of the Rings LotR / WotR 3000+ point Angmar army.

Below are the figures I have for my LotR Angmar army which are suitable for both Lotr SBG and WotR.  This also gives everyone a chance to see some of the models they can use at the East Grinstead War Gamers Club in Sussex.

WotR Angmar: The Host of Angmar

WotR Angmar Orc Formation

LotR Angmar Orc Formation 2
LotR Angmar Orc Captain

WotR Angmar Orc Command, Shaman,
Captain and Banner
LotR Angmar Orc Drummer

LotR Angmar Orc Taskmaster with
Sam and Frodo in orc armour
LotR Angmar Ghost Legion,
Banner Bearer and Ghostly Captain
WotR Angmar Ghost Riders
LotR Angmar Ghostly Riders

LotR Angmar Shade
WotR Angmar Shade
LotR Angmar Spider

WotR Angmar Spider formation

LotR Angmar Warg Chieftain

WotR Angmar Wild Warg

LotR Angmar Buhrdur

WotR Angmar Buhrdur

LotR Angmar Cave Troll

WotR Angmar Cave Troll

WotR Angmar Gulavhar The Terror of Arnor

LotR Angmar Gulavhar The Terror of Arnor

WotR Angmar Hero - The Witch King

LotR Angmar Hero - The Witch King

WotR Angmar Ring Wraith on Fell Beast

LotR Angmar Ring Wraith on Fell Beast

This Lord of the Rings SBG / War of the Rings collection is not complete - I still need more werewolfs, the Court of the Fallen King and the Spectral Host, but I am sure you will agree - these figures would be a good match for any army.

Having used the WotR Buhrdur's Battle Host to great success before, I wanted to include those figures in the line up.  In addition, looking in the Ruin of Arnor and Legions of Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game source books they clearly fitted in with the theme.  

My wish list is very long and I have numerous projects on the go - which I am desperate to complete, but with the new energy pumped in to LotR SBG our club is going to start a weekly get together to play through the books and to battle numerous armies in skirmishes to supplement the WotR battle we play fortnightly.  

I hope you like the army - my aim is to encourage others to start or go back to LOTR / WOTR - I love it!

The Army above consists of:
WotR (see Buhrdur's Battlehost):
3 x companies of Ghostly Legion
6 x companies of Ghostly Riders
9 x companies of Angmar Orcs
   - Orc Captain
   - Orc Banner Bearer
   - Orc Drummer
   - Orc Taskmaster
   - Orc Shaman

9 x companies of Angmar Orcs
   - Orc Captain
   - Orc Banner Bearer
   - Orc Shaman
4 x companies of Spiders 
6 x companies of Wild Warg
Wild Warg chieftain

2 x Angmar Shades
6 x Angmar Cave Trolls

Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor
Ring wraith on Fell Beast (Winged Nazgul)
The Witch King of Angmar

LotR SBG (see The Ruin of Arnor & Legions of Middle Earth):

LotR SBG Angmar Wild Beast warband

LotR Warband 1 
12 x Spiders
+ Spider Queen

LotR Warband 2

12 x Wild Warg
+ Warg Chieftan

LotR Warband 3 
12 x Angmar Orcs 2HW
+ Taskmaster
+ Witch King of Angmar

LotR SBG Angmar Orc warband

LotR Warband 1 
12 x Angmar Orcs
+ Captain
+ Banner

LotR Warband 2 
12 x Angmar Orcs with bows
+ Shaman
+ Captain

LotR Warband 3 
12 x Angmar Orcs 2HW
+ Taskmaster
+ Witch King of Angmar

LotR Warband 4
12 x Angmar Orcs shields
+ Taskmaster
+ Captain

2 x Angmar Shades
6 x Angmar Cave Trolls
Gulavhar, the Terror of Arnor
Ring wraith on Fell Beast (Winged Nazgul)
The Witch King of Angmar

I haven't purchased the new supplements yet, as I am waiting for LotR SBG to pick up in the club and see how it goes so that I can then use my figures with the new LotR SBG rules to create decent and viable LotR SBG war bands, the war bands above are just some ideas that I was playing with.

Looking through the Ruin of Arnor and the old LotR SBG rules - the Angmar army I have painted is easily suited to Buhrdurs warband with Buhrdur, wild warg chieftain, wild warg, Ettenmoor Orcs, cave troll, Azkhorakh the Shade and many more of the evil force of Angmar under the evil spell of the Witch King.

I especially like the Battle of Fornost  with the Witch King of Angmar on dark steed, Gulavhar the Terror of Arnor, more Wild Warg, the  wild warg chieftain, orcs of Cairn Dum, Orcs of Felldale and many more.

I am now really looking forward to starting the LotR SBG campaingn's.

If you are interested in WOTR, LOTR SBG, Warhammer or 40K then let us know and you can either take part or try the WOTR / LOTR SBG systems on a club day, or even help construct scenery or paint models in preparation for some huge battles coming in 2012.  Or if your club wants to take on our club we are willing to have a warhammer tournament here in Sussex, or can we can travel to neighbouring counties.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


  1. Interesting, sadly I'm in Sheffield so can't easily come down and join in the WotR fun.

    I've only just got into LotR/WotR and so don't know too much and just building an Angmar force.

    Which models have you used for your Ghostly Riders? I can only locate the one rider of the dead and I'm not paying £8.20 per figure.

    Also the Angmar list in the WotR doesn't show listings for Cave Trolls (just the heroic chap) so where did you get this info from?


  2. Hi

    I have sent and email hopefully you got it?

    The Ghost Riders are Rohan Riders with Eomer (painted as ghosts) and they look reasonable and are cheap to pick up on ebay.

    The cave trolls are in the WotR Battlehost book - Buhrdur's Warband has them in so as long as you field the battlehost then you can field the cave trolls!


    1. Hello,

      No email sadly.

      Thanks for the advice on the models, I was thinking of doing something similar as well.

      I'll pick up the Battlehost book then, I like the cave trolls to much to ignore them, I did see in the rules you can field 25% of your points in allies.


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