
Sunday 16 October 2011

WOTR: Dwarven Army

"Baruk Khazad! Khazad ai-menu! Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!"
- Gimli, Son of Gloin
Well, this is my War of the Rings LotR Dwarf Holds Army - their once glorious home Khazad-dum, now home to evils of Moria...
This is by far my favourite painted LotR army, with a host of figures it consists of over 3000 points, the list and photos are all my dwarf figures, from this I can select a very viable force for a WOTR battle:

  • 4 x Dwarf Warrior Kinband (shields) - Captain - Banner - Shield bearer
  • 4 x Dwarf Warrior Kinband (shields) - Captain - Banner
  • 4 x Dwarf Warrior Kinband (2HW) - Captain - Banner 
  • 3 x Dwarf Archer Kinband - Captain - Banner
  • 3 x Dwarf Archer Kinband - Captain - Banner
  • 3 x Dwarf Vault Warden Teams
  • 4 x Khazad Guard
  • 3 x Dwarf Ballista
  • 1 x Kings Champion
  • 4 x Murin's Guard (Shields)
  • 4 x Drar's Hunters (Rangers)
  • 4 x Durins Guard (Khazad) - Banner
  • Balin
  • Dain Ironfoot, King Under the Mountain
  • Floi Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria
  • Gimli
  • Seven Kings (one for each of the rings given to the dwarves)

This army can be used in a WOTR/LOTR battle at the East Grinstead War Gamers Club in Sussex if you let me know in advance I can bring them along, hope you enjoy the models.

WOTR: Dwarf Army Erebor

 WOTR: Dwarf Warrior Kinband (shield) with Gimli

  LOTR: Dwarf Warrior Kinband (shield) with Gimli

  WOTR: Dwarf Warrior Kinband (shield) with Command No. 2

  WOTR: Dwarf Warrior Kinband (2HW) with Command

  LOTR: Dwarf Warrior Kinband (2HW) close up

  WOTR: Dwarf Archer Kinband with Command

   LOTR: Dwarf Archer Kinband with Command

   WOTR: Dwarf Archer Kinband with Command No. 2

   WOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden Kinband

    LOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden Kinband (rear)

    LOTR: Dwarf Ballistas

    LOTR: Dwarf King's Champion

 WOTR: Dwarf King's Champion

 LOTR: Dwarf King's Champion

 WOTR: Dwarf Murin's Guard can also 
be used as Moria Expeditionaries

 WOTR: Dwarf Drar's Hunters (Dwarf Rangers)

  WOTR: Dwarf Drar's Hunters (Dwarf Rangers)

  WOTR: Dwarf Durin's Guard (Khazad Guard)

 LOTR: Dwarf Durin's Guard with Mardin (Khazad Guard)

 WOTR: Dwarf Durin's Guard (Khazad Guard)

 LOTR: Gandalf, Dain and Balin with Guard (Khazad Guard)

 WOTR: Gandalf, Dain and Balin with Guard (Khazad Guard)

 LOTR: Durin - Dwarf King

 LOTR: The Seven Dwarven Kings 

"Seven to the Dwarf Lords: Great Miners and Craftsmen of the Mountain Halls"

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Durin

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Sindri

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Linnar

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Var

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Uri

 LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Thulin

LOTR: Dwarf King Clan Vigdis

This Lord of the Rings SBG/War of the Rings collection is not complete - I still need more Vault Wardens and would love a couple of Iron Guard, just to round it off, but my wish list is very long and I have numerous projects on the go.  I hope you like the army - my aim is to encourage others to start or go back to LOTR/WOTR - I love it!

I will be posting the latest battle report in the next few days (which we played today): Dwarves v Angmar...

I have recently purchased some more LotR Dwarf vault warden teams as well as Floi Stonehand the Loremaster of Moria, which I intend to paint to finish off the army above - I will post updated pictures of the 24 Dwarf Vault Wardens when they are finished - in the meantime here are some pictures of them primed and ready to paint...

LOTR: Dwarf  Hero Floi Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria
undercoated black and ready to paint

WOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden kinband x 24
undercoated black and ready to paint

LOTR: Durin King of Khazad-Dum (Dwarf)
LOTR: Mardin, The Kings Ward (Dwarf)

LOTR: Durin King of Khazad-Dum and Command (Dwarf)

LOTR: Durin King of Khazad-Dum with Mardin (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dain Ironfoot King of Erebor (Dwarf)

LOTR: Balin, Son of Fundin (Dwarf)
LOTR: Royal Guard of Erebor (Dwarf)
LOTR: Balin and Dain with Royal Guard of Erebor (Dwarf)
LOTR: Floi, Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria (Dwarf)
LOTR: Floi, Stonehand, Loremaster of Moria (Dwarf)

LOTR: Murin the Dwarf
LOTR: Murin Royal Guard and command (Dwarf)
LOTR: Drar the Dwarf Ranger (Dwarf)
LOTR: Drar tThe Hunter, with Dwarf Rangers (Dwarf)
LOTR: Gimli, Son of Gloin (Dwarf)
LOTR: Gimli, Son of Gloin (Dwarf)
LOTR: Gimli, Son of Gloin (Dwarf)
LOTR: The Kings Champion (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dwarf Ballista (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dwarf Ballista Team (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden Team (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden Team (Dwarf)
LOTR: Dwarf Vault Warden Team (Dwarf)
LOTR: Still to paint: Gimli, Son of Gloin (Dwarf)

LOTR: Still to paint: Gimli, Son of Gloin (Dwarf)

If you are interested in Warhammer WOTR or LOTR then let us know and you can either take part or try the WOTR system at a club day, or even help construct scenery or paint models in preparation for some huge battles coming in 2012.  Or if your club wants to take on our club we are willing to have a warhammer tournament here in Sussex, or can we can travel to neighbouring counties.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 


  1. I suppose you made the clans up, because I'm sure those aren't the real names

  2. Hi, The clans are the family names for the seven kings who Sauron gave the rings to, they are reall names and as I had seven kings thought it was ideal :-)

    Look them up online!

  3. From Wiki:
    "Sauron presented the Seven Rings to the Dwarf-lords (although according to dwarvish tradition the Elven smith Celebrimbor gave the mightiest to Durin III personally). Mighty dwarves such as Linnar, Sindri, and Uri received the Rings"

  4. The names are taken from Decipher's Lord of the Rings RPG.

    The particular book was written by Chris Seeman who is a top Tolkien scholar.

    Tolkien gave names to each of his Dwarf kindreds: Broadbeams, Stonefeet, Longbeards and so on. He did not give them more official names. However, those names come from his other writings and are out of the scope of most commercial licenses. He did, however, draw his Dwarven names from two particular Old Norse sources.

    So, Chris Seeman went to those sources, found some telling names and applied them to Dwarf clans that fit Tolkien's terminology without actually using the term "longbeard" or "Broadbeam."

    It's a brilliant piece of quasi-canon, and I applaud you for using it.

  5. Gavin - thank you for the comments - I love Lord of the Rings and have done since I was a young boy... having read the book numerous times. I collect the figures and other books associated, one of which is a Tolkein Bestiary - fantastic for extra detail and background on many of the races and creates of Middle Earth...
    ...Thanks againa nd I hope you enjoyed the figures!

  6. What is the total count on the dwarf army?
