
Sunday 13 November 2011

WOTR: Battle Report - Dwarves v Gorgoroth Orc Horde

WOTR: Dwarf Army
Dwarf Force 1000 points 
(Simon and Craig)
Dain Ironfoot
3 x Comp of Dwarf Khazad Guard 
 - (with shield bearer)
1 x Kings Champion
2 x Comp of Dwarf Ballista
1 x Comp of Dwarf Rangers
4 x Comp of Dwarf Shield Kinband 
 - (with shield bearer)
3 x Comp of 2HW Dwarf Kinband 
 - (with shield bearer)

WOTR: Mordor Army - Gorgoroth Horde
Mordor Force 1000 points 
4 x Siege bows
4 x Morannon orcs with shields  
- (Gothmog to reside)
4 x Morannon orcs with shields, banner and captain
18 x Mordor orcs (Gorgoroth Host) with banner, captain, task master and drummer

Back to business this week - Simon (Craig’s cousin) wanted to learn to play, so Craig took a back seat and allowed Simon to play whilst he and I taught him the rules.

We played a 6 x 4 battlefield (shield wall) with woodland area to south of the board - this had capacity for 4 companies.  As I had my figures attached to the home made trays I set up quickly and we agreed that I would then have priority. We used the usual Realm of Battle, battle board and so had the hills in each of the four corners.

WOTR: Army Deployment
I placed the Gorgoroth host right in the centre of my deployment zone, 3 deep and 6 companies wide - this meant the whole club gathered round to see the sheer number of orcs on the field.  The host was flanked by 4 companies of Morannon to their left and Gothmog in 4 companies of Morannon to the right.  These in turn had 2 siege bows each behind them.

Simon and Craig deployed with their ballista’s on the northern side, one on the hill the other in line with Gothmog, his rangers were sat between the ballista’s.  Next in line was Dain with his Khazad guard, flanked by the 4 shields and finally the 3 2HW were position near the woods.

Round 1
Orc priority

WOTR: Gothmog moves forward
I started to advance the Gorgoroth Host 3 ½ inches forward (that ½ inch from the drummer makes all the difference!), when Craig called heroic move and used his shield bearers might to run his 2HW dwarf Kinband into the woods… This altered my thoughts on the Morannon on the southern flank of the orc host, and moved them so that they protect the flank from any later attack/charge (Craig has used this tactic before to charge the rear of my Morannon). 

Gothmog moved forward and spread out; I thought about ATD but wanted to protect both flanks from the dwarves.

The dwarves clearly wanted a fight and the shield Kinband and the King Champion ATD towards the orc horde, Dain and the Khazad guard decide to walk it.

WOTR: Mordor siege bow battery
The Gorgoroth horde started the shooting and fired at the Kings Champion and despite the number of arrows flying across the field, only two hit counters are recorded on the Champion.
Next I proudly open fire with my siege bows… the first two misfire, the next didn’t do any damage to the Khazad Guard and the last finally managed to kill 3 of them.

The dwarf ballista misfired, the second killed ‘5’ Morannon orcs… the rangers needing 6 then 4 at long range kill another.  This ended the first round: 3 Khazad dead and 6 Morannon orcs.

Round 2
Dwarf army win priority

WOTR: Gorgoroth Horde move back to fire
Dain and the Khazad guard ATD to the centre of the field, the shields advanced normally, this allowed both formations to be side-by-side. The King Champion advance ATD again and suddenly become worryingly close to my orc horde, but he was clearly out on his own; the dwarf rangers moved ½ forward.

WOTR: Dwarf Army advances
Fearing the charge, I moved my Gorgoroth host ½ back, everyone else holds (I thought about calling heroic charge and charging my horde at his Champion, but wanted to let Simon learn how to charge his Champion), just in case, I turned Gothmog’s Morannon to the side to face the Kings Champion.

The Dwarf rangers tried, but failed to hit Gothmog’s Morannon, one dwarf ballista failed to hit, while the other killed 4 of Gothmog’s Morannon orcs.

My shooting was terrible, 3 siege bows rolled a 1, so misfired and the last rolled a 6  which enabled me to at least kill 5 Khazad Guard.  Again to allow the King Champion to charge I direct the orc horde bow fire at the Khazad Guard and not him, this killed 10 of them.

WOTR: Dwarf Kings Champion surrounded
As predicted the Kings Champion charged my orc horde, so in turn I charged Gothmog at the Kings Champion.

The Kings Champion rolled dice for his fight value, charge, attacks etc - but amazingly only managed to kill 4 orcs.  In reply the orcs (with 2 support attacks) managed to score 7 rolls on the VHtK… which as anyone could predict left him dead.

Round 3
Orcs win priority

Gothmog’s Morannon orcs ATD towards the dwarf ballista, while the horde holds position - the dwarves will be in charge range this turn.

WOTR: Gothmog's Morannon ATD
Dain called Epic Strike (ES) and increased his fight value to ‘10’ - then I measured and Gothmog was 11 inches away, so I call a free ES! Dain advanced to an inch of the Gorgoroth orcs and declares a Herioc Duel (HD) on my orc captain, again I consider the captain for a heroic charge, or perhaps wiping the Khazad guard out with bow fire (we did actually discuss this), but decide instead to allow the HD to continue so that Simon and see how it works. 

The dwarf 2HW exited the woods as expected.

As described above I decide to shoot the shields (to the front) and mange to kill 5 of them, 2 siege bows on southern side shot at the 2HW dwarves and killed 5, the northern siege bows destroyed one of the dwarf ballista.

The dwarven numbers are dwindling, their ballista and rangers again shoots at Gothmog, but only kill 1 Morannon.

My Morannon charged the dwarf 2HW on the edge of the woods, Gorgoroth captain calls a heroic charge and charged Dain, who in turn calls Epic Rampage (ER) - the Gorgoroth Horde also collided with the dwarf formation with the shields and they are caught up in the fight.

WOTR: Last few from Dwarf Army
The fighting was brutal; Dain and the captain rolled for the duel… Dain was never going to loose on fight 10 + 1 for calling the duel and managed to secure 7 rolls on the duel table, 3 are 1’s (no effect) 2 are wounds for the captain (he’s dead) and the 2 secure 6 dead orcs (I think I got off lightly).  Then Dain massacred 38 orcs as his ER allows him to keep rolling the hits… it’s cringe worthy for the orcs with 44 dead.  

In the meantime I rolled my attacks back at Dain and killed all his formation (and him).  I then resolved the fight with the dwarf shields but amazingly they were only dwindled down to 6 warriors for only a few dead orcs.

As I lost the fight I rolled on the panic table and had to complete a courage test - fortunately there are no casualties from this as I scraped through. I also rolled for a new captain of the Gorgoroth Horde and secure 3 might points for him.

The Morannon killed 9 dwarves with 2HW and they kill 6 of mine, Simon then rolls a 6 on the panic test and his dwarves remain steadfast.

Things are not looking good for the dwarves.

Round 4
Dwarves win priority

The Dwarf rangers moved ½ back to avoid Gothmog, so in turn Gorgoroth orcs also move ½ back.

The Dwarf ballista shot 1 Morannon orc, the rangers failed to hit.
My siege bows opened fire, again 2 misfire, the next killed the dwarf ballista and the last siege bow killed 6 dwarves with 2HW.

In a last ditch effort, the dwarf rangers charged Gothmog and his Morannon, and the dwarven 2HW charged the southern Morannon orcs.

The battle finishes with the dwarf 2HW being wiped out for 1 casualty on the Morannon and the rangers are also wiped out without killing any of Gothmogs Morannon.

Mordor Wins.

Man of the match
Dain, despite being killed off, he COULD have done a lot more damage and in the one fight he did battle, his Khazad Guard killed 44 orcs (nearly 6 companies).

Final Thought
Are ballista’s/siege bows worth the points… I am not sure anymore.  They seemed to misfire a lot in this battle and did little to influence the tide of war.  Dain was awesome and had the dwarves all attacked at the same time with the Kings Champion etc, I am not sure there would be so many orcs left.  After the battle I explained how I would have fought the battle and ensured that the dwarves didn’t split up into the woods etc. and would have advanced together in a shield wall and all smashed the orcs together.  Craig and Simon are now going to look at a Gondor army for the next match in two weeks time circa 1500 points so they can try something different, with cavalry, archers and magic… maybe I’ll field Fallen Realms?!

*Apologies for the lack of photos... my camera keeps running out of batteries.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 

Tuesday 1 November 2011

WOTR: Battle Report - Dwarves v Misty Mountains

 ...Suddenly without a signal the dwarves sprang silently forward to attack. Bows twanged and arrows whistled; battle was about to be joined.
- The Hobbit

Defenders of Khazad
Gandalf the Grey (allies)
WotR: Misty Mountains Army
Dain Ironfoot
Balin Lord of Moria
3 x Khazad Guard
1 x Kings Champion
2 x Ballista
4 x rangers
4 x Shields
4 x archers
2 x warriors 2HW
1 x vault wardens

Misty Mountains Invasion force
Durburz, Goblin King of Moria
Dragon of Ancient times
WotR: Dwarf Army
Spider Queen
4 x trolls
3 x wild warg
3 x wild warg
6 x goblins
4 x goblins with shields
3 x goblin archers with shaman
3 x goblin archers with shaman

Well, this week’s battle was interesting.  Craig wanted a break from WotR to have a battle of Trafalgar. I was set to take on Adrian (his brother) who used to play LotR 1000 points each.  However, there were two others that were interested in WotR and had never played before so I agreed a 2 v 2 battle.  Adrian and Ben as the Dwarves defending Moria, and me and Dougy as the goblins of the Misty Mountains.
With hindsight we should have stuck with 500 points per person, but everyone got carried away with the number of figures and it quickly became a 1700 v 2000 - Dwarves have to stop the goblins from entering their 1/3 and goblins have to kill all dwarves….
Unfortunately Adrian was busy with running the club so once deployment had finished he left and I had to manage the game with 2 other newbs.
WotR: Invasion of Misty Mountians Battle Field
The Battlefield
The cold morning wind blew across the valley as the dwarves entered the field ready for battle; the snow had lain deep in the valley. The frozen mountain pass which led to the gates of Moria (6 x 4 playing long ways) would be heavily defended by every last dwarf.

The frozen lake on the east side (this was difficult terrain and the broken ice was impassable) came into view as the mist started to clear… then the distant sound of the goblin drums could be heard. 

There were snow covered trees with capacity for 2 companies and a build for 4 companies.
The dwarves won priority and set up with a ballista on each hill at the northern end of the battlefield, the rangers on the east flank and their archers behind them.  The Khazad guards took centre stage with Dain, followed by 4 companies of shields with 2 companies of 2HW behind them.  On the west flank was the vault wardens.
WotR: My Half of the Moria Army
WotR: Misty Mountains Army
We split our misty mountain army, Dougy deployed his goblin archers on the west side so that he could run to the building, the main goblin army took the centre with the trolls and warg behind (our first mistake as this meant we had to move ½ the goblins to allow them through), and a formation of goblin archers on the east side in front of the frozen lake.

Turn 1
WotR: Goblin Army Advances
The dwarves won priority and advanced, slowly but surely, the goblins also advanced, with the archers on the west moving to the building – the 2 shamans and Druzhag cast fire bolts and nature’s wrath spells and managed to kill 5 rangers and 2 Khazad guards.
At the end of the movement the goblin archers on the west side entered the building. The dwarf ballista’s both misfire, with nothing else in range for any of our archers or charging we progressed to:

Goblins win priority

WotR: Wild Warg surge forward
Druzhag summoned 3 companies of spiders and his shields advanced on the ice, he also cast fire bolt and natures wrath on the dwarf rangers killing 3. 

The goblin spears ran OTD to create some space to allow the trolls and warg through, but didn’t create enough space. The shaman cast shatter shields and amazingly managed a 6, permanently destroying the dwarf shields (much to the delight of Dougy). 

WotR: Cave Trolls and Warg Surge
Druzhag casts fire bolt and natures wrath and kills 3 more rangers.

The dragon moved forward, hiding behind the spears and was preparing for the lines to meet so that he could fly to the rear and wreak havoc on the backs of the dwarves.

Dwarves marched to their 1/3 line, spread out and held the line, but at this point realized that their archers couldn’t shoot at anything as the rangers were in the way! The Kings champion walked to the side of the rangers and stopped… Gandalf cast blinding light and Druzhag fight to “0”
My archers having moved ½ distance are now on the edge of the pond, but out of range of the Kings champion and the rangers across the water.
WotR: Dwarf & Goblin Army prepare to clash
The goblins in the building tried to soften up the vault wardens, but with shields that size the goblin bows were ineffective, but still managed to kill one of them.

The rangers seeing the danger of the 3 companies of spiders in front of them (which also blocked their view of the goblins) fired and destroyed every last brood in one fowl swoop...  the ballista’s split their targets, one hitting a troll and leaving a wound counter the other targeting the dragon, but failed to get a hit on him.
With the spiders dead, there were no units close enough to charge - end of turn 2.
The dwarves won priority again.
The dwarves went first and stepped over their line to close the gap with the advancing goblins. However, Gandalf the Grey and the rangers moved full distance and ATD to the east to allow room for the archers to move forward in to the gap, which they do using their full distance to get into range, but forgoing their shooting this turn.
The Kings champion walked to the side of the frozen lake just in range of my archers…
The goblin spears marched forward and tried to create enough room to allow the trolls through the side, but the gap was too narrow and so we had to push everything up the middle.
WotR: Giant Spiders 
Druzhag cast another 6 spiders (lucky roll (again)) which were placed straight in front of the gap between him and both the archers and the rangers… cannon fodder me thinks!
The trolls start their surge up the middle with the warg following behind them… (Should have been at the front!), the dragon jumps over the line and lands on the flank of the vault wardens.
WotR: Dwarf Army kill Giant Spiders
The dwarf rangers having moved double distance, use Gandalf to call heroic shoot and are again able to fire, this decimates the spiders again with their volley.  The dwarf archers now shoot at Druzhag’s shields and manage to kill 8, driving them back 6 inches.

The ballista’s both target the dragon but again fail to hit him.

The goblins turn; those hiding in the building fire at the dwarves with shattered shields and kill 3.
WotR: Kings Champion takes 4 wound counter
My goblin archers at the lakes edge fired at the kings champion 20 arrows hurtled across the frozen lake, and to my amazement I rolled 4 hits (having needed 6, then 5), which allowed me to roll twice on the VHtK table.  

My luck with the dice was evident again when I rolled a 6 and was then allowed to re-roll - landing 4 wound counters on the Champion… the look on the dwarves face was clear even through the lingering mist.
WotR: Dwarf shields charge
The dwarf shields take the initiative and charge the goblin spears, while the Khazad guard and Dain charge a company of warg, my dragon fails to charge the rear of the dwarves.
The centre of the battle field started to clog up, but I went through the battles one by one ensuring that I didn’t forget anything (but I did forgot the dwarves had 2HW and relinquished a troll to cover the mistake)
13 goblins dead, for 5 dwarf warriors along with 2 warg. Fortunately the goblins pass the panic test.
Turn 4
Dwarves win priority

WotR: Kings Champion is slain
Again the dwarves win priority and decide to hold their ground apart from the Kings Champion who ATD straight towards Druzhag, running along the side of the lake to try avoiding the goblin bows, and to try to get in to the battle.

The Goblin spears consolidate their formation to allow the trolls through, who subsequently surge through the centre gap. Meanwhile Druzhag uses his last might point to summon 3 more companies of spiders (I keep rolling 6’s) and casts fire bolt and natures wrath on the Champion and manages to kill him before he has a chance to charge Druzhag formation of goblin shields.

The dragon flew straight to the eastern ballista and sat waiting for a shot to hit.

WotR: More Wild Warg prepare to fight
The dwarves again open fire on the spiders and kill them all… still save Druzhag dying! Again, both ballista’s misfire leaving the dragon sighing in relief and his fire breath killed 2 crew, not quite as good as I hoped.

The trolls throw their weapons and kill a Khazad guard, while the goblins within the building again kill another 3 dwarf warriors.

WotR: Khazad Guard surrounded by trolls
The dwarves again press the attack charging the goblin spears, while the Khazad guard charge the warg and a troll; the remaining trolls surround the Khazad guard and charge – 2 of them managing unstoppable charges.
The Dragon charged straight into the rear of the rangers.

The ensuing battle is hard fought and leaves a troll and the 4 warg dead, as well as Dain and the Khazad guard. The Dragon ripped through the rear of the remaining rangers and killed them down to ½ of the last company – Gandalf is also killed.
Unfortunately time ran out and Adrian declared the battle a draw - the dragon and a troll were in their 1/3 so they failed their objective (Oops I forgot about the objective!, while the attacking army had not destroyed the defenders (although I am sure we would have!).

Final thoughts
keep it simple - the amount of figures with only me knowing the rules meant that I kept forgetting things as I had too much to try to sort out and manage (even forgot the objective otherwise I would have just charged everything into battle) and also had questions shot at me from all sides throughout the match - if this happens again, then I will either sit out and teach (although I love playing too much), or ensure the armies are small enough to manage.
WotR: The Dragon prepares to charge
I have previously set up with trolls in the front (last battle report Angmar v Dwarves) and allowed them to advance and soften up the enemy, this is a tactic I need to remember as the battle above took a bit of moving units to get them into the battle - this all took too long. This also needs to be the same for other beasts like the warg and spider queen. 
Also, the dragon is 475 points for a reason - move him in earlier and allow him to do what he does best, breath fire, cast spell and kill dwarves!
Archers… I hear people say that shooting is ineffective in WotR, well sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t, I guess that’s the luck of the dice - who would have thought that goblins would have killed the Kings Champion at full range.  I certainly always have archers/siege bows as it allows me to target the enemy at range.  I am about to start painting my Rohan army and I have heard that they are also lacking, but I can’t wait to try them… expert riders who can move full range, fire and then charge, and if they win the fight and roll a 6, charge again, with infantry that have throwing weapons - awesome!

WotR: Dragon of Ancient Times
Man of the Match
The Dragon of Ancient Times, despite not being used early enough, he was able to swoop in, cast spells, breath fire, charge and kill loads of dwarves, all without being challenged, even my fear of the ballista’s was short lived (they have to hit me first!)

Warhammer 40K: Blood Angels Chapter by Adrian Harrison

Welcome to my attempt at collecting the entire chapter of the Blood Angel space marines. Keep an eye as this develops over the coming months & even years!

I have decided to start with a random mix of units, vehicles & characters that I had laying around before moving onto some gaming army lists & then will come complete companies.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

WOTR: Battle Report - Dwarves v Angmar

WOTR Battle Report : Angmar v Dwarves circa 1000 point

WOTR: Angmar - Buhrdur 1000 point Battle Host 
My List - 
(Buhrdur Battlehost)

Druzhag (allies)
9 x companies orcs
4 x companies goblins
6 x companies warg (hidden)
3 x cave trolls

WOTR: Dwarf Army 1000 point

Craigs List:

Dain Iron foot
4 x companies dwarf kinband with shields and shield bearer
3 x companies dwarf kinband with 2HW and shield bearer
3 x companies Khazad guard and shield bearer
1 x companies Vault wardens
1 x bolt thrower
1 x Kings Champion

Reeling from the defeat 2 weeks ago at the hands of Khamul and his orc horde, Dain Ironfoot and his Erebor army of dwarves prepare to battle the forces of battle host of Buhrdur, who having heard of the spoils available in the dwarf halls, led his war band deep into the Iron hills to plunder all that they can.

WOTR: Deployment - Buhrdur Battle Host & Dwarves
With the battle field set (6 x 4 field of swords), the dwarves deploy on the Eastern hill, clearly sticking the top of the board and away from the trees where my warg are hiding…

Buhrdur, choosing NOT to hide (thought that might be too obvious) leads the pack and stands his trolls either side of the Angmar orcs.  Gulavhar, deploys at the southern side of the board, to avoid the ballista and to try to flank round to the back of the dwarf army. Druzhag and the goblins stack near the building, hoping to utilise any protect it can offer whilst allowing them to stay in the middle of the fight.

Turn 1
WOTR: Both sides advance
The dwarves all attempt at the double (ATD) and nearly all pass - the dwarf 2HW surge forward and take the woods at the top of the board and Dain with his Khazad Guard storm the gap between the building and the woods, the shields move towards the building.

My orcs walk forward, leaving the trolls to advance in front of them, Buhrdur and a troll face Dain, while two trolls round the top of the woods with the dwarf 2HW hiding.  Druzhag and the goblins take the building.

Craig attempts to shoot the orcs, but miss fires.  With no other units in range to fire or charge, we roll for priority.

Turn 2
WOTR: Angmar - Buhrdur, Trolls and Orcs move forward
I win priority Buhrdur and the trolls move forward again, the orcs follow behind them. The dwarves advance again, but this time a dwarf walking pace and hold in the centre in front of Buhrdur! Druzhag casts shatter shields on the dwarf kinband and fire bolt on Dain.

The orcs also charge the woods with the dwarf kinband 2HW .

WOTR: Gulavhar heads towards Dwarf army
Gulavhar flies across the board with ATD and heads towards the ballista, the warg ambushers (Buhrdur Battlehost) come out of hiding and occupy the woods, I then prepare them to leave for war!

Craig shoots and this time the dwarf ballista hits home on lands two hits on Buhrdur, ouch, but fortunately this only leaves him with one wound counter on the very hard to kill (VHK) chart.

WOTR: Buhrdur Battle Host warg break cover

Being up for a fight Buhrdur calls an epic strike and later a heroic duel on Dain, using two might points in these phases. Buhrdur easily wins the duel roll and has 5 rolls on the chart… despite Buhrdur hacking and slashing and killing over 8 dwarves, Dain doesn’t die.  The troll with Buhrdur charges and kills another 3, while the trolls attacking the woods kill 5 dwarf kinband 2HW. It was at this point I remembered I should have used my thrown weapons, but simply forgot!

WOTR: Dwarves prepare to attack building
Dain and the Khazad retaliate and manage (with their 2HW and Troll bane) to kill Buhrdur… I was suprised he died, but then there is only so much a troll can take!

One of the trolls at tacking the woods is also killed by the dwarves  Dain’s company, having lost combat again roll on the panic table, but with the shield bearer remain steadfast.

WOTR: Battle view

The Dwarf shield kinband charged the building and attacked the goblins… “too late for epic cowardice” I say in sheer worry that they will all perish and I will lose valuable might and magic, but amazingly the end result is 4 goblins dead and 6 dwarf warriors.

I win again and the dwarves test on panic table and are again steadfast.

Turn 3

WOTR: Gulavhar and warg prepare to charge

Again I win priority, and move the warg and Gulavhar towards the rear of the dwarf shields, cast shatter shields again and fire bolt Dain, killing another couple of dwarf warriors. Druzhag summons a single company of spiders and place them directly behind Dain, this is then removed when Craigs ballista kills one of them.

WOTR: Angmar Orcs Dwarves in Charge woods
The dwarf shields about face and stare in disbelief at the line of warg heading straight for them. The king Champion, ATD and stands in front of Gulavhar.

The orcs and trolls charge the dwarf 2HW in the woods, the troll in the centre charges Dain (after throwing weapon and missing). The fighting in the woods continues with the loss of my troll and a few orcs, but they lose numerous dwarves and the fight is a draw.

Gulavhar calls heroic fight in preparation for the charge, eyeing up the prey.

The Kings Champion responds and calls a heroic Duel... a nervous moment, but my luck with the dice is uncanny and Gulavhar easily wins the duel and unleashes hell on the champion, killing him and his mini entourage.

Having called the heroic fight, I can recharge for free and hammer into the side of the vault wardens, who lose their shield bonus and take over 8 hits... they also all die.

I am starting to like Gulavhar - he has just dispatched both the kings champion and the vault wardens (245 points - which is more than Gulavhar cost!)
I sense there is more to come and start to eye up the next prey!

The warg fail to have the distance to charge and reach the dwarf line so do not charge. 

The round ends and the dwarves are looking very vulnerable.

Turn 4
WOTR: Dwarves take heavy losses in the woods
Again I win priority.

Druzhag cast more spells and shatters shields and fire bolt as well as summon another company of spiders near the flank of the dwarf shields. The Ballista shoots at the orcs and claims 5 casualties.

The fighting in the woods results in more dwarfs 2HW dying and the last troll on that side, the dwarves fail their courage test and have to use their might to allow what’s left of them remain in the woods, clearly hiding from those nasty orc’s and trolls!

WOTR: Gulavhar behind the dwarf ballista

Gulavhar, moves ATD and lands directly behind the vulnerable dwarven ballista - almost breathing down their neck.

Again I use Gulavhar and call a free heroic fight... this allows me to charge the ballista, easily kills the crew, literally ripping them to shreds before charging into the side of the dwarf warrior (without shields again).

The wild warg spread out on their move and then rolled a 6 on the charge which gave them an unstoppable charge straight into the dwarf warriors, (without shields).

Gulavhar, thirsty for blood joins the wild warg attack (using his heroic fight) and slams into the side of the dwarves.

The result of this double attack finishes the dwarves off.

With nearly three whole companies of dwarves dead the shielded warriors are removed from the game

WOTR: Dain Ironfoot's Last Stand

Finally the troll at the centre of the battle field kills the last 3 khazad guard of Dain's formation, leaving less then half of the last company so the whole formation is removed... Dain is lost.

With all hope lost... Craig concedes defeat and the game.

WOTR: Gulavhar Man of the Match!
This was an outstanding victory for Angmar, the dwarf army again failed to stand up, enough even to get near to winning the battle.  Buhrdur should have ambushed and attacked the rear… Gulavhar was awesome, he performed far better than I expected and his free ability ensured he killed more than his points value, just wish he had jumped into the fight sooner!  I loved this battle host and the flexibility offered by the monsters and cavalry.

Final thoughts:
I think Craig has given up on Dwarves at this point level, they are strong and good defence, but their weakness is they are too slow and are easily out flanked and attacked from the rear, they also do not have any magic.

Our next match will see Craig try his hand at 1000 points worth of Gondor - I think I will field Gothmog’s Morannon battle host and try that for size. We also have two other gamers interested in a battle so we will see how they get on.

East Grinstead War Gaming club 